Skaues blog

Monday, August 28, 2006

Google for my domain

I have moved my mailservice to Google, and for you norwegian audience here is a brief memo of my experience so far. For the rest of you I can just let you all know, I simply love it (part of the conclusion in that norwegian memo).

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Windows Live Writer and Blogspot

This definately seems to work. I'm not the most active blogger, but using a Wysiwyg-tool like Windows Live Writer to edit my blog from Blogspot seems like a good choice to me. Unfortunately the preview couldn't download the template so I could see exactly how the complete layout would look, but that's probably just because I've done some customizations to it. The application is quick, small and has a great userinterface. Good job, MS!
Here's a screenshot:

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Firefox 200 mill dl = Wheee!

I guess it had to happen. Firefox has eventually been downloaded more than 200 million times. Congratz!

For a fun flick to celebrate Firefox go here:
Firefox Flicks: Wheee!